Babel Wiki Workshop 2008: "Cross-Language Collaboration"
Babel wiki participants: Contribute to the BabelWiki08 meeting notes ahead of the workshop!
Table of contents
Workshop description
This workshop will be held in Porto, Portugal, in Sept 8th, 2008, during the Wikisym 2008 Symposium - Internet has by now become a truly global and multilingual community: non-English speakers presently account for two-thirds of Internet users. Yet, while dozens of languages are being used simultaneously on the same network, the language barriers make it difficult for connection and collaboration to happen across languages.
Recognizing that global projects and initiatives are growing in number, and that more and more people are working daily in multilingual environments, it appears that the "wiki way" - a philosophy of tool-building that creates open, collaborative Web-based environments - might show promise in realizing the potential of collaboration among members of different language communities.
The goal of this workshop is to explore how wikis and the wiki way might impact, and be influenced by, multilingual collaboration and language work. It aims to bring together people with an interest in multilingual collaboration, as well as specialists such as translators and terminologists, and authors who hope to find ways for their work to reach other language communities.
For more details about the nature of this workshop, see the call for participation.
1.2. Meeting notes and Workshop report
The workshop will be highly collaborative(see schedule for details). The page below will be the start point for taking notes and organizing them during the workshop.BabelWiki08 meeting notes
- Raw notes taken during the workshop.
1.2.1. Related pages
13 pages found for title search 'BabelWiki08'- Rapport de l'atelier BabelWiki08
- Notes BabelWiki08
- BabelWiki08 workshop report
- BabelWiki08 Social dynamics of cross-lingual collaboration
- BabelWiki08 Semantics and technology
- BabelWiki08 People
- BabelWiki08 meeting notes
- BabelWiki08 Mailing proposal 080903
- BabelWiki08 Mailing 080903
- BabelWiki08 français
- BabelWiki08 Collaboratively building free and open dictionaries
- BabelWiki08 Collaboration between professionals and amateurs
- BabelWiki08
1.3. Papers
1.3.1. Fully-reviewed papers
The following papers were extensively peer-reviewed, and were accepted as part of the WikiSym'08 proceedings.Huberdeau, Louis-Philippe, Sébastien Paquet & Alain Désilets:
A Kumaran, K Saravanan & Sandor Maurice:
Bey, Youcef & Kyo Kageura:
1.3.2. BabelWiki peer-reviewed position papers
The following position paper were also peer reviewed, but more lightly than the above.De Pedro, Xavier:
Désilets, Alain, Caroline Barrière & Jean Quirion:
Kinzler, Daniel:
Liao, Han-Teng:
Montagna, Dora:
Tosic, Milorad, & Olivera Tosic:
1.3.3. Last minute contributions
The following papers were submitted at the last minute, and were not peer-reviewed.- Collabor-EN.pdf: André Guyon: Localization Better, faster, easier through sharing resources.
1.4. Location
Location: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Room B104 - 27 seats
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1.5. Schedule
Monday, September 8th
Welcome (~ 10 mins)
- Alain Désilets and Xavier de Pedro officially open the workshop, on behalf of the workshop chair: Sébastien Paquet.
Lightning talks (~ 35 mins depending on the number of papers)
- The people whose position paper or extended paper was accepted (either by the WikiSym program committee or the workshop commitee) are invited to present it as a 2-minute lightning talk.
- We will be very strict about the 2-minute time limit, so please make sure you are prepared well enough to be able to stick to that time. The purpose of the lightning talk is to give a very brief idea of what the paper is about, and incite people to read it from the wiki site. Below are pages to help you prepare for a lightning talk.
Roundtable (~ 15 mins)
- People who did not do a lightning talk get a chance to express their particular interest (2 mins each, max).
- Someone is appointed to take notes on the wiki site.
- This part can be skipped if we run out of time in the first section. People will have lots of opportunities to express their interests during the CardStorming stage.
11:00h - 11:30h: Coffee Break, at room I-105
CardStorming (~ 30 mins)
- Attendees are then handed sticky note pads and invited to write down themes, challenges, opportunities, etc.... relevant to the theme of collaborative wiki-style cross-lingual communication. They post them onto a blank poster, trying to post similar themes near each other.
- Note: People can post demos that they want to do, but those will be done at the end of the day.
- When attendees run out of ideas, they collaboratively start moving the yellow stickies around to create clusters of issues.
- When the clustering has become somewhat stable, clusters are labeled, and assigned particular times and locations.
- If there are more clusters than can be discussed in the available time, ask people to vote by posting stickers on the ones they like most.
- Someone is appointed to write down the list of clusters and the issues they contain, in the wiki site. The writing down can be done later during the break, but a volunteer should be found right then.
First break out discussion (~60 mins)
- Participants each move to the location corresponding to the cluster they are most interested in for this first breakout session.
- Lively discussion ensues (Note: 20 years of experience with Open Space teaches us that when people form groups centered around the sub-topic they are most interested in, lively discussion naturally follows).
- Someone is appointed to take notes for that group on the wiki site.
13:00h - 14:00h: Lunch, at Grill
Second break out discussion (~60 mins)
- Participants each move to the location corresponding to the cluster they are most interested in for this second breakout session.
- Lively discussion ensues (Note: 20 years of experience with Open Space teaches us that when people form groups centered around the sub-topic they are most interested in, lively discussion naturally follows).
- Someone is appointed to take notes for that group on the wiki site.
First Demo session (~ 30 mins)
- People who have things to demo do it.
- Depending on the number of demos, we might have a single track of back to back demo, or a bunch of concurrent demos at different locations.
15:30h - 16:00h: Coffee Break, at room I-105
Second Demo session (~ 30 mins)
- People who have things to demo do it.
- Depending on the number of demos, we might have a single track of back to back demo, or a bunch of concurrent demos at different locations.
BabelWiki closing circle (~ 45 mins)
- Participants form a large circle, and a microphone is passed along.
- Those who have something to say get to share insights, important things they heard, things they plan to do as a result of having attended the workshop etc...
Closing remarks (~ 15 mins)
- The workshop organizers offer some closing remarks.
- They invite participants to collaborate off line after the workshop, to write up the BabelWiki08 workshop report.
1.6. Participants
Those are the people who plan to attend the workshop (taken from BabelWiki08 People):(please, help to complete this list)
Sébastien Paquet | TELUQ-UQAM, Montréal, Canada | | no |
Alain Désilets | National Research Council of Canada | | yes |
Xavier de Pedro | University of Barcelona, Spain | | yes |
A Kumaran | Multilingual Systems (MLS) group in Microsoft Research India | | no |
Alex Schröder | BSI Business Systems Integration AG, Switzerland | | yes |
André Guyon | Translation Bureau of Canada, Canada | Andre.Guyon@PWGSC.GC.CA | yes |
Asunción López-Varela Azcárate | Dept. of English Philology II, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain | | yes |
Caroline Barrière | National Research Council of Canada | | no |
Daniel Kinzler | Universität Leipzig | | yes |
Dora Montagna | Università degli Studi di Torino – Università Sapienza di Roma | no | |
Enric Senabre | Technical coordinator of the "Observatory for the CiberSociety", Barcelona, Spain | | no |
Gilles Martel | Translation Bureau of Canada, Canada | | no |
Han-Teng Liao | Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK. | | yes |
Jean Quirion | Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada | | no |
Laura Cayuela | Dept. of English Philology II, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain | | yes |
Louis-P. Huberdeau | École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, Canada | | yes |
Marc Laporte |, Canada | | yes |
Mark Dilley | Wiki Builder at | | no |
Marta Stojanovic | National Research Council of Canada | | remote attendee |
Milorad Tosic | University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia | | yes |
Nelson Ko | Citadel Rock Online Communities Inc, Canada | | no |
Olaf M. Stefanov | Recently retired from the United Nations, Vienna | | yes |
Olivera Tosic | Virtuona d.o.o., Serbia | | yes |
Tom Laird-McConnell | Microsoft Research USA | tom.laird-mcconnell AT | yes |
Youcef Bey | GETALP research group, LIG laboratory, Joseph Fourier University, France | | yes |
Other people might join, as reported on the Facebook event, even if they haven't confirmed yet.
1.7. Discussion forum
In case we need a place to hold asynchronous discussions about issues related to BabelWiki08 workshop, we can use the:BabelWiki08 Forum
1.8. Chat
There is a chat to allow real-time communication with distant users.