(a work in progress)
For which site?
Is the content specific to a field of expertise? Which one?:
some pages (a few), and most of them out of sync for long (years): example I know: Spanish and Catalan translation of english documentation
Which techniques are used?
hand made...
Contact person?
Xavier de Pedro - http://tikiwiki.org/xavi
For which site?
Is the content specific to a field of expertise? Which one?:
- Documentation of Tikiwiki CMS/Groupware (http://tikiwiki.org)
- When sent to pdf, more than 1000 pages.
- Many: more than 800+ over several years. Active contributors in 6 months, might be between 10 and 100.
- Volunteers or employees?
- Volunteers (mainly), and some professionals (a few, afaik)
- Experience level?
- all ranges (techies and newbies)
- Volunteers or employees?: volunteers
- Experience level?: all ranges (techies and newbies)
- Are they the same as contributors?: yes, in some cases
- Tikiwiki (http://tikiwiki.org)
- Yes, some of us do.
- http://apertium.sf.net (GPL'd)
- http://xixona.dlsi.ua.es/apertium-www/?lang=en (english info page)
- http://xixona.dlsi.ua.es/apertium-unstable/ (demo page, with all ongoing translation pairs of languages)
- http://xixona.dlsi.ua.es/apertium/ (very efficient for spanish and catalan, for instance, and quite usable also for english to catalan direct translation on both directions)
- http://www.google.com/translate_t
- http://apertium.sf.net (GPL'd)
some pages (a few), and most of them out of sync for long (years): example I know: Spanish and Catalan translation of english documentation
Which techniques are used?
hand made...
Contact person?
Xavier de Pedro - http://tikiwiki.org/xavi