Translate page with unknown language needs more prominent warning message

Translate page with unknown language needs more prominent warning message
Function Group
If you translate a source page S with Unknown language, you are first asked to specify the language of S. But since you are in a frame of mind where you are translating to a target language T, you are likely to assume that the picklist you see is for specifying the target language. If you do this, you become really confused becuase then you are asked a second time to pick a language, and when you select the same target language a second time, the system tells you that the page already has a translation in that language. This actually happened to AD when he first tested TW multilingual.

It would be better if the message that tells you to specify the language of the source page was more prominent and looked like a warning message (ex: inside a colorful box with a by red exclamation mark or something). Is there a style for doing this in TW?

Note that LPH has now made it real hard for people to create pages with Unknown language, so maybe it's not as much of an issue anymore. But sill, people could still accidentally create pages with Unknown language, so it's still worth looking into, since when that happens, it leads to real confusion.

Note that this is probably something easy to do that Alain or Seb could do with assistance at the next TikIFest.
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